Otto received a message from Quintus requesting a meeting, so we hoofed it over to to Drippy's to see what was up.
Bethany was bar-tending as usual, and greeted us as we entered. Otto purchased the first round of drinks for the Soots.
Bethany pointed us to...
Inside of the room was Quintus and a woman we didn't know. She introduced herself as Rhustyne.
Rustine let us know that she was from the local Pharasma Consulate and she needed some assistance investigating recently opened underground passages.
There were reports of an ancient Dwarven society that had been lost over time. and now with the passages opening up, these can be investigated.
We negotiated a price (90 Gold each), stocked up on some climbing gear and went on our way.
Rustine lead us to the entrance in....
Otto and Snax held hands to navigate through the darkness and lead the way, directed by Rustine. We eventually found ourselves at a rusty gate.
Snax pushed the gate open and the Soots entered into some catacombs and tunnels, winding and forking deeper and deeper into the siphons.
We eventually ended up in front of a giant open well. Rustine remarked that we need to descend down into it.
In a ploy to help see while we were climbing down, Snax tossed the ever-burning torch into the well, hoping that it will land and light up the way down.
It didn't work. Snax lost the torch in murky water.
We hitched our ropes together to create just enough length to get close to the bottom of the well.
Nitro easily descended the rope and waited in the well water below
Rustine tried next and failed miserably, slipping and grasping onto the side of the well. Snax and Otto helped her out. Snax attached a Jade cat to Rustine to assist in case she falls.
After a pep talk from Otto, Rustine was ready to go. She slowly made her way down to where Nitro was waiting.
Snax and Otto followed.
Once we were all in the water, Rustine let us know that we just need to wait...
Suddenly, The water rushed out of the bottom of the well and we all rushed with it.
After twisting, turning, falling, and screaming we ended up in a dark tunnel with a cave opening deeper into the ground. Opening into...
Rustine realized that she could actually cast the light spell, after some exasperated groans from the Soots, she lit up one of Otto's crossbow bolts.
A few hours of spelunking later, The Soots found themselves in a cavern
with rail tracks extending over water.
Next to the tracks were some mine carts / rail cars scattered and
flipped over.
Nitro got into the one upright cart on the track and pulled a lever, activating the cart. It sprung to life and started talking to her.
Mr. Diggs introduced itself, and asked if she was interested in taking the tour of Khaz Gundul Gorn.
Nitro flipped the rest of the carts over and placed them onto the tracks.
We took off down the tracks, before reaching the end of the line the carts start floating above the water; taking us deeper into the caverns.
Floating along, we got a dump of information about the lost Dwarven society...
As this was going on, Nitro noticed a thin wire strung across our path. She swung her axe at it, triggering an avalanche behind her, directed at Snax.
Snax luckily avoided any falling rocks, as Nitro yelled back to the group:
"Guys, I think there are traps!"